Spring is here and for many of us this means also having to deal with a period of low energy and fatigue. Many of us know this feeling as “Spring fever”, however the correct term is “Springtime lethargy” or “Spring Fatigue”.
During winter our body adopts and protects itself from lower temperatures and reduced sunlight. Longer days and warmer temperatures lead to an increase in activity but our bodies take more time to adjust the sleep-awake cycle and thus our timing is often out of sync. This leaves us often feeling fatigued and with low energy.
Here are our tips for overcoming Spring Fever:
With the frequent temperature and weather changes it’s important to get out as much as possible although sometimes you might not feel like it.
Build a regular exercise routine as it will help you to stimulate your body’s circulation and fight off fatigue.
It’s also important to get a good night’s sleep so check out our tips on how to sleep better so to establish a healthy sleep schedule.
Fuel your body with fresh vegetables and fruits. During winter we tend to eat food which is more fat and low in vital nutrients and therefore our vitamins have all been consumed before the arriving of spring.
If you want to supercharge your energies, make sure to eat brain food, which are foods rich in nutrients that benefit your brain power.
Use the longer days to get lots of fresh air and soak in all that sunlight. Try to go for a walk first thing in the morning so the hormone serotonin can be produced early on in the day helping you to adjust your sleep-awake cycle.
Engage in outside activities as much as possible such as going for long walks or doing some home gardening. Your mood and mental health will truly benefit from it!
If nature is hardly accessible, you can help yourself and stream some of our natural sounds on Noisli into your ears. It will improve your mental abilities and boost your productivity.
There are many other ways on how you can bring nature into your home, such as getting house plants or using natural scents to freshen up your room.
If you have the space then consider getting started with a little bit of home gardening as it has been proven to provide a big boost in happiness and emotional wellbeing!