
Noisli - Nature-Deficit Disorder

Nature-Deficit Disorder: definition, symptoms and how to prevent it


What is Nature-Deficit Disorder? Nature-Deficit Disorder is a term coined by journalist and author Richard Louv. It’s a nonmedical condition suggesting that less time outdoors can have negative effects on…

Noisli - What is brown noise and how it helps you improve sleep

What is brown noise and how it helps you improve sleep


Brown noise, along with white noise and pink noise, belongs to a group of sounds which are well known for being associated with benefits such as sleep improvement and relaxation….

Noisli - Tips to improve mental health

Simple tips to improve your mental health


Your mental health describes the status of your psychological and emotional well-being. It has a big influence on your relationship with yourself and with others on a day-to-day basis. Having…

Noisli - Summer reading list 2022

Summer reading list 2022


It’s that time of the year when we’re putting together our summer reading list. We hope that our selection of books can bring you a little hope and help you…

Noisli - What is the Box Breathing technique

The Box Breathing technique: benefits and how to do it


What is Box Breathing? Box breathing — also known as “square breathing”, “four-square breathing”, “tactical breathing, “resetting your breath”, “sama vritti pranayama” or “the Navy SEAL breathing technique” — is…

Noisli - How to take care of your wellbeing at work

20 tips to promote wellness at work

Wellbeing Work-life Balance

Wellness at work is very important. It is not only key to productivity, but it’s also key to work-life balance and overall wellbeing. In the current hustle culture, people always…

Noisli - 10 benefits of taking breaks and why breaks are important

10 benefits of taking breaks and why breaks are so important


As defined by the dictionary, a break is “an interruption in continuity, a pause in work or during an activity or event”. Breaks allow you to pause and rest so…

Noisli - How to sleep better- tips for a good night’s sleep

How to sleep better: tips for a good night’s sleep


Sleep is at the core at what we’re able to achieve throughout our days. Our sleep is regulated by our internal body clock, or circadian rhythm, which is the internal…

Noisli - How to take care of your mental health and recharge your energy post-pandemic

How to take care of your mental health and recharge your energy post-pandemic


So, here we are… we almost made it through! This weird period of a global pandemic due to the coronavirus seems to be almost over, and things are slowly getting…