
Noisli - Bruno Munari’s design methodology - 1

Bruno Munari’s design methodology – from problem to solution

Productivity Creativity

Bruno Munari (1907-1998) was one of the greatest Italian designers. He was also an artist and writer who greatly influenced the fields of visual (graphics, painting, sculpture) and non-visual expression…

Noisli - What is deep work

What is Deep Work? A simple guide on how it works


What is deep work? Deep work was first introduced by Cal Newport in a blog post back in 2012. He describes “deep work” as spending time on cognitively demanding activities…

Noisli - The Fishing Line Principle

Attention span: why your attention is like a fishing line

Productivity Creativity

What is the Fishing Line Principle The Fishing Line Principle is a productivity method with the main goal to help you hold your train of thought for as long as…

Noisli - New Year's Resolution

A different approach to your New Year’s Resolutions

Productivity Work-life Balance

It’s that time of the year when everyone is slowly getting back to work and people are asking each other: “So, what are your New Year’s resolutions?”. A thing invented…

Noisli - What is procrastination

What is procrastination?


What is procrastination? Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. If you ever found yourself putting off a task, for example working out, by choosing to do something…

Noisli - Why autumn is the most productive time of the year and how to find the right balance

Why autumn is the most productive time of the year and how to find the right balance

Productivity Work-life Balance

For a lot of people, the end of summer and the start of autumn marks the beginning of a new year and a fresh start. In fact, multiple surveys done…

Noisli - What is motivation?

What is motivation?


Motivation is a reason or reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way Motivation is the “why” we are doing or not doing something. It’s the force that determines…

Noisli - What is habit, how is it formed and how can you change it?

What is a habit, how is it formed and how can you change it?


What is a habit? The dictionary defines “habit” as “a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up”. A habit is thus something you…

Noisli - Need a break? 8 ways on how you can take effective breaks from work or study

Need a break? 8 ways on how you can take effective breaks from work or study

Productivity Wellbeing

If you feel like you can’t focus on anything and can’t stay concentrated for more than a few minutes, it’s probably a sign that your mind desperately needs a break….